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Collecte de données biométriques et conservation de ces données sur la carte d’identité - Madhewoo v/s Republic of Mauritius  au 131e session du Comité des droits de l’homme
“The applicant won the case.”​​
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Opinion no 4/2007​​ on the concept of personal data adopted by the Art 29 Data Protection Working Party (Justice and Home Affairs Division of the Eur​​opean
Commission) on the 20th June 2007 (Reference WP136)​
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This opinion illustrates the broad nature of the concept of personal data and it will help you in improving your understanding of what type of information is generally considered personal data through the use of concrete examples of everyday privacy issues.​
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Opinion no 1/2010 on the concepts of "controller" and "processor" adopted by the EU Article 29 Working Party, on 16 February 2010 (Reference WP169)

(ncb​.mu) The National Computer Board website is a useful site for any relevant documentation on ICT.

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Opinion 01/2015 on Privacy and Data Protection Issues relating to the Utilisation of Drones

Working Document on surveillance of electronic communications for intelligence and national security purposes​​​​​