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The Data Protection Commissioner



The Data Protection Commissioner​ ​​ ​​​​

​ Mrs Drudeisha Madhub was appointed Data Protection Commissioner of the Data Protection Office of Mauritius since August   2007.​  ​Prior to her appointment, she was Senior State Counsel at the Attorney General's Office for six and a half years​.  
​​She has demonstrated a pioneering role in setting up the office and has been committed towards safeguarding the privacy rights of individuals and enabling people to be in better control over their data.  She has been actively engaged in ensuring that organisations process personal data in a more responsible and transparent manner.  She is focused towards promoting data protection with innovative ideas to all citizens of Mauritius.
Mrs Madhub has been the key player to align the data protection legislation framework of Mauritius with the principles of international standards.
​She is also member of various international networks such as Association Francophone des Autorités de Protection des Données Personnelles (AFAPDP), Réseau Africain des Autorités de Protection des Données Personelles (RAPDP), Global Privacy Enforcement Network (GPEN), Common Thread Network (CTN), the Council of Europe and the United Nations.
In March 2011, she was appointed as data protection and human rights expert by Interpol and a member of the Commission for the Control of Interpol's Files.
​In September 2014, Mrs Madhub was appointed as UN expert by joining the UN Global Pulse Data Advisory Group.
​In October 2014, she organised the 36th edition of the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC), now Global Privacy Assembly, in Mauritius.
In 2016, Mrs Madhub deposited accession documents duly signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the presence of the Secretary General​​ of the Council of Europe.  Mauritius acceded to the Council of Europe's Convention for Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (Convention 108) on 17 June 2016.

In 2018, she hosted the Data Protection African conference in Mauritius with Africa Digital Rights' Hub.

Currently, she is focusing on negotiations with the European Union for Mauritius to achieve adequacy.

Mrs Madhub has published various articles in international journals and guidelines on data protection.​


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