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Decisions on Complaints - By Year




Please note that all complaints lodged to the Data Protection Office under section 6 of the Data Protection Act are also subject to a duty of confidentiality imposed upon all officers of the Data Protection Office. The Commissioner has thus decided to publish decisions on this public website without revealing the personal data of the complainants and respondents to the public but only the decision based on the facts of the case. 

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Decision No 73  2​​4.06.2021
Complaint on the use of CCTV Cameras​​
​​Decision No 72  04.06.2021
Complaint on the use of CCTV Cameras​​
Decision No 71 – 01.03.2021
Complaint on the use of CCTV Cameras​​
Decision No 70 – 07.07.2020
Complaint on alleged breach of personal information by government bodies​​
Decision No 69 – 22.06.2020
Complaint on alleged disclosure of personal data​​​​
Decision No 68 -  06.03.2020​
Complaint on the use of CCTV Cameras​​
​​Decision No 67 -  27.02.2020
​​Complaint on unlawful access to personal data​​
Decision No 66 -  25.02.2020​
​​Complaint on unlawful access to personal data​​
Decision No 65  - 25.02.2020
Complaint on unlawful use to personal data​​
Decision No 64  - 24.02.2020​ Complaint on unlawful disclosure of personal data​ 
Decision No 63  - 04.11.2019
Complaint on unlawful discl​osure of​ personal data​
Decision No 62  - 31.10.2019​
​Complaint on unlawful disclosure of personal data 
Decision No 61  - 17.10.2019​​
​Complai​nt on the use of CCTV Cameras Camera
​​​Decision No 60  - 10.10.2019
Unlawful disclosure of personal data
Decision No 59  - 25.09.2019
​Complaint on use​ of CCTV Camera in mosque ​
​​Decision No 58  - 05.09.2019​
​​​Unlawful disclosure of personal data
​​Decision No 57  - 26.06.2019
​​Unlawful disclosure of personal data​ ​
Decision No 56  - 09.05.2019
Complaint on use of CCTV Camera​
​​​​​​Decision No 55  - 08.05.2019
Complaint on use of CCTV Camera ​
Decision No 54  - 06.05.2019
Complaint on use of CCTV​ Camera
Decision No 53  - 02.05.2019
Complaint on use of CCTV Camera
Decision No 52 - 18.03.2019​
​Complaint on unauthorised use of CCTV Camera​
Decision No 51 - 24.01.2019
Complaint on alleged false and malicious information reported by the Respondent
​​​Decision No 50 - 17.12.2018
Complaint on​ alleged disclosure of students'private information on Respondent's website​​​​
Decision No 49 - 18.10.2018
Complaint on alleged unauthorised access to Complainant's personal Dropbox account​
Decision No 48 - 27.09.2018​
Complaint on illegal access to personal data​
Decision No 47 - 17.09.2018​
Complaint on alleged monitoring and/or automatic copying of emails
​​​​Decision No 46 - 05.12.2017​​
Complaint on the use of Biometric Attendance
Decision No 45 - 22..06.2017
​​Complaint on alleged of disclosure of personal information
Decision No 44 - 20.06.2017​
​​Complaint on request to retrieve a copy of contract  and personal data of Complainant from Respondents​​​
Decision No 43 - 06.04.2017
​​​Complaint on availability of personal information on Respondent's Website
Decision No 42 - 09.03.2017
​Complaint on disclosure of information and illegal use of signatures for other purposes
Decision No 41-  20.02.2017
Complaint on alleged disclosure of confidential note​
Decision No 40 - 14.02.2017
​Complaint on the use of Biometric Attendance​
​​Decision No 39 - 13.02.2017
​​Complaint on the use of Biometric Attendance ​​
Decision No 38 - 06.01.2017
​Complaint on Unsolicit​ed promotional SMS messages
Decision No 37 - 14.12.2016
Complaint on Excessive Information​​
Decision No 36 - 13.12.2016
​​​​Complaint on the use of fingerprint for Attendance
Decision No 35 - 24.10.2016
​Complaint on the disclosure  of customers data to third party without authorisation​​
Decision No 34 - 24.10.2016
Complaint on the use of Biometric Attendance
​​Decision No 33 - 07.10.2016
Complaint regarding Biometric data
Decision No 32 - 09.09.2016​
​​Complaint on illegal appropriation of fingerprints
Decision No 31 - 02.08.2016
Complaint on use of CCTV cameras
Decision No 30 - 01.08.2016
​​​Complaint on alleged disclosure of personal data
​​Decision No 29 - 30.05.2016
Complaint on request for sensitive personal data without consent
Decision No 28 - 22.04.2016
Complaint on unlawful disclosure of personal information
​​Decision No 27 - 22.04.2016
​​​Complaint on unauthorised access and use of personal details
Decision No 26 - 10.03.2016
​Complaint on clicking of photo without permission
Decision No 25 - 20.01.2016
​​Unauthorised use of CCTV cameras
​​Decision No 24 - 18.01.2016
​​​​Unla​wful use of photographic images
Decision No 23 - 06.01.2016
Complaint on Hacking of e-mail
​​​​​Decision No 22 - 05.01.2016
​​Unauthorised use of CCTV cameras
​​​​Decision No 21 - 26.11.2015​
​​​​Unauthorised use of CCTV cameras
​​​​Decision No 20 - 28.04 2015
​​​​Unauthoris​ed Disclosure Personal Data
Decision No 19 - 16.05.2014
Unauthorised use of fingerprint for attendance purpose
​​Decision No 18 - 12.05.2014​
Unauthorised disclosu​re of personal data​​​
​​Decision No 17 - 17.07.2013  
Unauthorised processing of fingerprint for attendance purposes
Decision No 15 - 12.06.2013​​
Unauthorised processing of personal data through fidelity cards​
Decision No 14 - 10.05.2013 
Unauthorised viewing of images by CCTV​
​​​Decision No 13 - 03.05.2013  
​​Illegal placement of camera affecting privacy and that of other family members​​​​
Decision No 12 - 03.05.2013
​​Unauthorised​ disclosure of personal data to third party​​​
​​​Decision No 11 - 18.02.2013
​​Unauthorised​ viewing of perso​nal images through the use of CCTV​​​​
​​Decision No 10 - 12.07.2012​​
Unauthorised disclosure of personal data​​​​​
Decision No 9   - 12.06.2012​
​​​Unauthorised use o​f Password​
​​Decision No 8   - 14.05.2012​ 
Unauthorised disclosure of SMS
​​​Decision No 7   - 14.05.2012​
Complaint concerning Debit / Credit Card​
​​​Decision No 6   - 26.08.2011​​ 
​​Unauthorised Use of Private Emails​
​​Decision No 5   - 17.08.2011​
​​​Unauthorised marketing by phone
​​​Decision No 4   - 05.08.2011
​​Unauthorised use of CCTV cameras of respondent
Decision No 3   - 24.06.2011​
​​​​Unauthorised marketing by SMS
​​Decision No 2   - 25.04.2011
​​​​Unauthorised use of CCTV camera of respondent​​
​​Decision No 1   - 28.03 2011​​​​
Unauthorised u​se of curriculum vitae of complainant​​